0 comments 10/14/2006

It offers a lot of Stations ranging from 70's to the most recent ones.Its one of the few good stations which offer Quality Music all round the clock. Bored of listening to conventional radio?? Click below
I spent most of my time during on saturday listening to it as RadioIndigo.fm was playing crappy music during the day. I tried many stations, but the most satisfying one was Progressive House.

0 comments 10/12/2006

I attended the Chris Capossela Live!! which happened on my birthday on 10th Oktober.

I was accompanied by Prateek Hejmady a juniour of mine.

The event showcased various Features of Office 2007 and Exchange 2007.

Office12 Preview by Pat was good, which was by a Session from Ranjana. Ranjana's Session was pretty ordinary (:.

It was nothing new to me as I have been using Office 12 (Now Ofice 2007) ever since Beta1. I now have Beta2 TR installed on my laptop.

TR is a lot stable than Beta2. Features are reliable. But no one knows how many features provided by them will be used in real Life.UI is reloaded & is very Intuitive.

Exchange 12 Session handled by Ravi Shankar was good when compared to Ranjana's. He demonstrated E12 capabilities and the new enchanced WebAccess and its capabilities.

It was a great show off from Microsoft Team. But the Release will be much more Electrifying than this one as more features will be bundled.

I felt the Office 2000 to Office 2007 would be a worthy one. When Integrated with Groove and SharePoint Portal Server Office it makes more business sense.

One thing which I forgot to mention was the introduction of Excel and Word Web Access which is buildt on top of Office 2007 Server which reduces piracy and eliminates the pain of Installing it on machine's.

If you wanna try Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh1 here is the link.


I recently happened to visit a site which determines Uplink and Downlink Rates. Its a real time test and is fool proof.

I use a Sify 256kbps(kilobits) Broadband at home,the speed was around the same as expected

I was not aware of the Bandwidth available at Office as its not disclosed. It showed up a staggering 9.8MBps(Bytes).

You can check you bandwidth @ speedtest.net