
Its been a long time since I've updated my blog.Two weeks ago the Movie Carnival began in my house with me being the only spectator :-) . I collected a lot of good english movies on DVD from one of my friend who work for HP called Prashant Mysore Jagganath.A big thank you to Him #:-S. The movies I watched are as follows:-

  1. The Untouchables
  2. The Shining
  3. The Chronilces Of Narnia
  4. The Enemy @ the gates
  5. King Kong (Remake)
  6. Annapolis
  7. The Cave
  8. Hanuman (English version)
  9. The Fog
  10. War Of Worlds
  11. Memento
  12. Shawshank Redemption
  13. 6Th Sense
  14. Gothika
  15. Ong Bak
  16. Anti Trust

Except movies 15 and 16 all the rest were seen in the first week.

Whoo It was a great Experience to watch all these movies back 2 back.


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